Sono arrivata...

...con il mio cuore pieno!
Cinco dias que nunca vou esquecer...
Pelos momentos, pelas pessoas, pelas experiências!
Movimento Perpétuo - é um trabalho sobre o fenómeno do movimento dos pássaros e dos sonhos.
The highly coordinated movements of flocks of birds are among the most fascinating phenomena to be found in nature. The group seems to turn and maneuver as a single unit, changing direction almost instantaneously, leading some researchers to hypothesize that electromagnetic communication or even "thought transference" must be involved. In reality this behavior results from far less mysterious causes. Such movements are a prime example of emergent behavior: the behavior is not a property of any individual bird, but rather emerges as a property of the group itself. There is no leader, no overall control; instead the flock's movements are determined by the moment-by-moment decisions of individual birds, following simple rules in response to interactions with their neighbors in the flock.
Pedra Filosofal
... Eles não sabem, nem sonham,
que o sonho comanda a vida,
que sempre que um homem sonha
o mundo pula e avança
como bola colorida
entre as mãos de uma criança.

António Gedeão (in Movimento Perpétuo) 1956
Gracie Lu, ELi, Giulia, Nicco e Seb :*
Agora aqui em Portugal ...
xi ♥ a todos

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